- Please do not use words or voice
- Please do not read or write
- Try to make as little noise as possible
- Please do not interact with personal technology
- Stay with it for at least 2-3 hours
To find out how to attend a Silent Dinner Party please visit: www.silentdinnerparty.com
To request a Silent Dinner Party in your locality please contact Honi Ryan: honi@hedonics.com.au
Silent Dinner Parties during 2012 included:
January 19, Zico House, Beirut, Lebanon
January 28, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
March 14, 15, 16, Adelaide Fringe Festival, SA, Australia
May 12th, Newcastle, NSW, Australia
August 6, 8.30pm, Splatterpool Artspace, Williamsburg, New York, USA
August 21, 20.30, Condesa, Mexico City, Mexico
October 4, 5 and 6, Melbourne Fringe Festival, Victoria, Australia