© Albano Guatti México 1982 Culiacán (Sinaloa).
Sinaloan peasant woman with hat and headscarves.
Computo del tiempo azteca y su correlación actual
Anahuacayotl de Tlaxcalancingo, Puebla
Arturo Meza Gutiérrez
Tonalamatl 2003
Estudios Antropológicos Ce–Acatl A. C.
We Still Call It:
Matlactli Xochitl Toxcatl Yei Acatl
Brawn steel –silex complexión
Now shift towards
Matlactli ihuan Yei Calli Toxcatl Yei Acatl
Suns filter into
the double helix of sight.
Skin tone infused melanin
reflects stardust in eyes bright.
Triangles symmetry spectrum
waning gibbous moon
Venus Jupiter:
the earth sustains
grains sown/plowed by hand.
Brown charcoal steel
physiognomy delicate
eyes fair electric:
in sight Culiacan Sinaloa
tierras azules blue and
ashen lands Huey Culhuacan.
Suns cut the iris –pajizos:
Desert Sands/Ojos Floridos
Tonalpohualli Scarred Into Skin
The carbon 14 frame
into crab nebula
.:super nova tear space:.
Indio Tarasco
Lluvias en el madrigal
nueve venado o venado
azul 9 mazatl en el calen–
dario coloquial: derrame de .
flores yo. Chicnahui Mazatl
Etzacualiztli Yei Acatl. El Pure–
pecha fluye en estas palabras es
piritus esencia cortada de la tierra
madre. Dagas del sol eclipsan la re
tina. El porte poético sangra. Suplanta
do polvo de estrellas –materia oscura en el
brillo de piel: inédito en lo escrito abajo superflojo.
Tarascan Indian
Rains in the burrow
nine deer or blue deer
9 mazatl in the colloquial
calendar –shower of flowers I
Chicnahui Mazatl Etzacualiztli
Yei Acatl. The Purépecha flux
in these words spirit essence cut
from earth mother. Sun daggers e–
clipse the retina. The poetic mien bleeds.
Supercede stardust –dark matter in the skin gleam:
At 12:30 noon sun
precise –now:
Matlactli ihuan yei
Yei Acatl
Calendars breathe.
DNA shards in eyes
sight –vast camera of
deference 7th 13 cycle
Matlactli yei ilhuitl
Ce quiahuitl: that is
In the wall paintings
iris glimmers into rain–
bows refract light
shatters into freeze
the image in the minds–
obsidian glass in
the poolside eclipse:
tonalpouhque mexica
I got you
Nahuatl adj. verb. tezcatlipoca
tezcatli –mirror and popoca –smoke.
Memory shatters into vision:
green obsidian stones shard eyes.
These words are cutting into you
what you can’t see –anymore.
Ce Tecpatl Huey Tecuihuitl Yei Acatl
The steel mindset bleeds:
Tonalpouhque mexica –
calendar keepers
of the Mexicayotl.
There are levels
of perceptible reality
every breath you take
you tear the fabric
of time/space.
Black lightning
in the white sky –
these words are precise
even as the inkwell
Then hummingbirds crash sight:
I am matlactli ihuan ce ozohmatli
atlacahualo chicome tecpatl
nexhuitzilin itzpapalotl xochi –
pilli centeotl: chalchitlicue ixquimilli…
These words are cutting into you.
Jagged edged in –the mirrors image
serrated silex soul.
Like monarch butterflies wings
are thunder sky sun.
These finger prints are in the DNA.
Xochimilca ca. 1519
Chicome Coatl Huey Tecuihuitl Yei Acatl
Cutting edge moon –sky
kaleidoscope sight tecpatl/
silex brawn poetry lives
extemporaneous –words mist.
Wolfs gait in the ice sheets:
eyes fair color of sundown.
Zacatapatoli [púas del sacrificio]
[precious knife with the rattle of Xipe] Iztapaltotec
So what can be taken away?
Son los desollados –flayed one
next to the engraved staff
of the elders –pen inscribed.
The conch shell moon lights
jícara of fire and smoke.
Voices breathe in these letters
read the next line very carefully: Matlactli ihuan ce Atl Huey Tecuilhuitl Yei Acatl
El Anima de Sayula
There’s an obsidian mirror in
the sky that when it refracts
shards into light –Nahuatl
breathes in the land Xalisco.
Here’s where Malitzin origi–
nated the cutting of the meri–
dians: un Veracruzano sin
The ink bleeds these lost
Languages –Nahuatl is one root.
Then the shades of the terrains
concrete examples: Huey
Culhuacan –xiuhpohualli tecpatl
[628 A.D.]
Right now can see the topography
open veins –spark into rainbows:
el antiguo Nayar de los Wixarika.
presente its what’s in the heart
a plethora of voices shade dreams.
These thoughts spring from an im–
material well springs –Ixcateopan
remains of Cuauhtemoczin sun
[A.D. 1519]
En mis venas corren los pensamientos
Purépecha/Otomi from the lowlands
of another time frame: Tarimoro
el lugar de sauces nuestras animas
viven por siempre…..
Ce Malinalli Tlaxochimaco Yei Acatl
An Epigraph:
Thunder Cloud’s Account of His Two Reincarnations
I (my ghost) was taken to the place where the sun sets
(the west). There I lived with an old couple. This place
(spirit land) is an excellent place, and the people have the
best of times. If you desire to go anywhere, all that you
have to do is to wish yourself there and you reach it….(p. 17-18)
Winnebago Shaman in Reincarnation Beliefs of North American Indians by W. Jefferson
Orange spider suspended in ether
immaterial words emblazed DNA.
Lightning in the retinas shines
cutting into your –melanin archaic.
You have to bleed this photosynthesis.
Volcanic rocks shard into mien
//streaks of light embedded in pause\\
of thoughts –rainbows brought: Chicome Tecpatl Tlaxochimaco Yei Acatl
R carry elders
carrying the sunstone calendar is like lightning storms in the minds glare that is carried over sight you see there is no pause in the calculations are continuous rays of shard meteor showers in the retinas shine you cannot see this its borne in the sinews of the first breath: matlaclti ihuan ce ozomatli atlacahualo chicome tecpatl this means born the instant the flint/silex was shard in the blood stream of another time august 13,1521 see the temples gleam a plethora of voices in the conscious stream ixquimilli the one with the dark eyes with blinds always see everything as this paragraph is cutting into you…M
Tlaxochimaco Yei Acatl
Self-Inflicted Wounds
Silex shards –into fire
as orographic winds
sing hummingbirds
laughter. You have
to breathe this –serrated
obsidian glass thoughts.
We’re are all under the
same sky same sky light:
Rainbows Glare
So what do you have with you?
Steel thoughts:
Matlactli ihuan Yei Tecpatl Xocotl Huetzi Yei Acatl
or 13 Flint Bearing/falling of the Fruits 3 Reed.
You can breathe the poetic mien sharp as the
pen bleeding –this frost silex in the third line.
You cut through time calendars precise
down to the shard words you grasp.
Extract diamonds from the ether –immaterial.
Today’s Ce Quiahuitl Xocotl Huetzi Yei Acatl.
While the clouds cover what you see:
prisms in the iris glare –nights in the eyes light.
So how far you can you perceive?
Un deciphered
desert sands in the titles namesake:
en estas temporadas se recuerdan a
los ancianos: in this cycle we remember.
Ceremonies for the dead:
Elders can see
lightning in minds
glare to hold sharp
obsidian stones I.
Bleed into the past
Calendars omnipresence:
Tonalpohualli shard eyes:
In the 9thXiuhpohualli
Mictlan flowers into our
memories: duality in the
place of quietude and re
pose –how concrete poets.
Live in other realms
Temple staircases appear:
DNA of ancients caught
in the memories glare l
light with words are a
fixed as seconds seep
towards solar flares in.
Between thoughts
peasants in the fields
sunlight sheathes:
Melanin so bright shines
earth tones scarred into
eyes shimmer sight to
outlast harvest of colors.
Sinaloa te traigo en el
corazón de obsidiana.
Chicome Miquiztli Xocotl Huetzi Yei Acatl
Skin transparent
in the poolside e–
clipse grandparents
carried over sight
suspended in ether
these thoughts:
Spirits in immaterial ether steel weight
stars collapse symmetry in memories glare.
Grandparents breathe atemporal still vibe w/
words cut –shard thoughts outlast sight.
Lightning minds I
8th full moon in the Crab Nebula Supernovae
1054 A.D. in the poolside eclipse blue
gamma rays burst in visible thoughts.
Matlactli ihuan Yei Malinalli Teotleco Yei Acatl
Google This
Yei Acatl Teotleco Yei Acatl
Décima segunda trecena Ce
Cuetzpalin here resides
Iztlacoliuhqui as you read the 1st
line its no longer this: flora and fauna
cuts into what you are thinking.
DNA shards thoughts into being.
Lightning strikes eyes
streak suns synapses
and dendrites outshine.
Ixquimilli you can’t google.
This poetic mien but inside
the temezcalli you have to bleed
this –the one with the dark eye w/ blinds.
You see hieroglyphs retina’s bright
hone the craft and/or borne 7 tecpatl/
flight silex cuts ideas as stars implode
10 to the –43 seconds before galaxies electro–
magnetism you can google this…
But you can’t see
where the poetic mien lives:
tonalpouhque mexica.
Décima tercera trecena ce ollin…
Nahui Tecpatl Tepeilhuitl Yei Acatl
El Cerro de la Bufa Gto.
But what do you get from all this?
Neuroplasticity in hummingbirds flight.
Calendars breathe in Nahuatl:
I am matlactli ihuan ce ozomatli
atlacahualo chicome tecpatl
nexhuitzilin xochipilli centeotl ixquimilli.
But what do you get from all this?
Clarity in the poolside eclipse
where time began like green obsidian eyes
cut both ways: you carry this with you.
Blue ochre sundown as stars collapse
and/or weave words with might.
But what do you get from all this?
Yo soy de donde la vida no vale nada.
Chicoace Ocelotl Tepeilhuitl Yei Acatl
Spiders web in iris glare
praying mantis camouflaged
into skin tone melanin.
Carry glyphs/stelea in
mind stream or see parents
semblance hummingbirds
strike lightning in memories.
Repose in shade of eyes:
Lahak Ix Oxlahun Lamat 16 Mak G8 Hun Cib
Matlactli ihuan ome Ocelotl Quecholli Yei Acatl Ce Cozcacuauhtli Quecholli Yei Acatl
Lightning streaked melanin
golden hawk transparent peripheral vision.
Spirit helpers awake: Nexhuitzilin
Xochipilli Centeotl
gray hummingbird electricity of thoughts
smoking mirror memory shattered into words
like flowers these arts sustain.
The one with the dark eye with blinds:
Maya Long Count 12 Ajaw 8 K’ank’in G2
Matlactli ihuan Ome Atl Panquetzaliztli Yei Acatl
Words lacerate silence: nahuatl [NAHUATLACAH plural form of Nahuatl –speaking people / nombre que se dio a las naciones cultas que hablan la lengua mexi–
cana ®]. Lightning in the braids this poetic stream. All I got is the ink to
bleed. Like crows refract black pearls glare sheen and/or ruby throa–
ted humming birds razor sharp flight iridescent. Ghost haunt the
plains. ITONAL-LI ‘one’s shadows, spirit, soul’. Spirit helpers
are the essence one breathes: TEZCATLIPOCA ‘mirror smo–
king’ as writing this blue lightning inside the temezcalli/inipi
sweat lodge ceremony. NEXTLI ‘ashes cinders / ceniza’
in the memories blare voices coalesce rainbows of flo–
wers in how thoughts bright as sunrise burns nights
stare. TLAHUIZCALPANTECUTLI el señor de la
aurora/Venus first light of dawn breaks past the
meridians. Shamans cross parallels ethereal
atemporal showers of meteors in the jade
iris glare silex shards languages. We do
not all see the same: نحننفعلانظر
ليستجميعهاسامي. IN XOCHITL IN
CUICATL / flor y canto. Flower &
song inscribed in the DNA. In
the poolside eclipse these
words here written before
the cursors and screens
blurred peripheral in–
cisions’ in the vi–
sual cortex. In
3 more words
bring back
Chicome Itzcuintli Atemoztli Yei Acatl
El Diablo Anda Suelto en Sinaloa
The powder and the lacerations of the
lands: Huey Culhuacan. La hierba ma–
la/saña torrentes the poetic sheathes
light after dark. A people of brawn. Ma–
lintzin/la Malinche initiated the collapse.
We’re all cut from stars/dusts mien the
complexion silex shards. Invisibility of
jade thoughts. The pulse of the heart
rainbows/snow caps shimmers Pleiades
sight. Poetisas deslumbran en la portada
–fuerte los guardianes. On chicnahui mi–
quiztli tititl yei acatl presides chalchiuhto–
tolin tlaloc. Tus antepasados están res–
pirando en este parrafo. Rain/teardrops in the temples like dreams scarred from red earth. Brown/castaño el mirar de ancianos. Then the consciousness bleeds lightning aftershocks in the memories glare. Symmetry how constel–
lations a shower of bright scars’ edged in the blood when life’s worth a dollars toss. Kaleido
scope caste in the iris shine. Sinaloa te traigo en la sangre aunque nací en el bajío –en el lugar de sauces: el cerro viejo de otro tiempo. Como es los de hueso colorado nuncamueren.
If you don’t understand this the devil has
nothing against the natives. You see spi–
der webs in the optical cortex I. But what
can you see in the dark poolside eclipse:
Ixquimilli the one with the dark eye with
blinds. Quebradiza la memoria de obsidi–
ana like mother earth keeps you breathing
/I. Then the hourglass shatters into a ple–
thora ethereal voices. Like what your rea–
ding here: el diablo se esfuma en Sinaloa.
Check this atemporal displacement how these
words serrated hills/quebrada escarpment in a topography of ashen green and steel. A peo–
ple shard from skies of blue thunder/lightning
so precise the skin tone reflects desert solar fla –res. Reel to reel you bleed this from the soul.
So we’re all Bedouins’ then/now time keeps cut –ting you as sands shift. De estas raíces buen
a mata. Fists-to-cuffs the grip there’s a prism in
the sky that shatters into these words might inthe jade iris bright.El might in the jade iris bright. El Diablo desaparecido.
Lightning in the Blood 1
the sym
metry of I.:.
Got you: dreams
flow cutting edge
moon. Bear constel
-cutli/el señor de la aurora.
The trace serrate across crab
nebula super nova to the equi
-librium in the DNA & the 405 e
-lements and spirits. Outside spa
-ce/time continuum like suns shine
inside voices shard from sunstone
calendars ebb and glow in the mind
stream. Words cut/I bleed this slow
-ly moments seep away and the hour
glass turn to stone/pyramid shifts acce
-lerate. In the memories glare Uxmal 7
temples lost in space/step forward a cym
-bal engraved by Shield Jaguar in Yaxchilan. 2
eyes sheer words from another time lapse pho-
tographic in Balamcan: there are 365 steps and
a serpentine light down the staircase in the solstice.
Quetzalcoatl’ metamorphoses into Tezcatlipoca’ sight
or thoughts struck from the jade immaterial ether built
on perception multisensory: its chicnahui quiahuitl tititl yei
acatl or 9 rain gathering 3 reed in the Tonalpohualli carry it
with in these words fractured visual resonance invisible/I or
thoughts lacerate time. Crossover meridians of light like peach
blossoms spring in winter snows. Tlatoani Cuauhtemoczin holo
-gram here inscribed that is suns crash into rainbows. Like these/I
thought experiments breathed into word –prayers: so the poetic ke
-eps bleeding. In ceremony the silex–soul shard into cloud cover in
the jade iris glare. Language weaved in staleae of memories repose:
tijax in k’iche maya is the glyph for flint knife sharpened obsidian eyes.
Fire as embers splint into light how easily these monarch butterfly–sky
streaked from solar flares and stardust. As moons/suns blink of and I/
white dwarfs aftershock waves into meteor showers give/beam refract in
shaded ideas without time/lapse ideographic screens in concrete langua
-ge. In the multi dimensionality of worlds/lives in these instances as stars
implode gamma rays are lighting these x rays scarred from ancestral DNA/I.
Words cut the iris.
Spirits weaved in dna shard.
Obsidian i.
chicome ozomatli itzcalli yei acatl
Hummingbirds sight electric/lightning shards skies. Immaterial film in the ether how ancestors dreams are beyond mental pictures. Telluric currents a gashed –just breathe:
axtla torrent storms of jade the visual cortex. Triangulation suns dissipate mists clouds in the retinas beams streak across lightning in the minds eyes. I cut: chicuey miquiztli
.:Izcalli yei acatl:.
Hecho del Machete Caido de la Sierra:
Nemontemi of the bear paw in the sinew
in the right thigh hieroglyphic at 18:43 ini
–tiates. Nahui Tecpatl rains on the petro
–glyphs the carbon 14 frame in the drum beat.
Speed of lighting how thoughts bleed and so it
is moons lacerate time/space or dark energy in
the DNA. Sinaloa te estoy sangrando por dentro
–del iris. Magician you’re gone to the o
–ther side of the spirit matrix and now u
are also weaving words too mediate this sharp silex glass that’s cutting images in the iris.
There are three scars on the right temple or like
tear drops of the jaguar are transparent films. I
shard translucent light –ocelotl’ gait in a forest
dawns the milky way. Stardust in retina’s
glare –en la sierra se vive al intemperie
de los elementos. Grandparent’s only
carried the clothes on their backs &
a gleam in their eyes –la perla del
humaya. As at these precise mo
–ments time melts into chicome
mazatl atlacahualo nahui tec
–patl spirits live immaterial.
Sundown fire as pen bleeds
light aftershock. Ometeotl
–dual deity: Nahuatlbreath.
It’s thus the task of the or
–ganic writer to cut acros
s time lapse photo gra
–phic images as you
see this namesake.
There are tears in
the title as delicate
hands tend the fiel
ds and meld into
the earth. Invisi
–ble lightning in
the minds I.
Fewer & fewer
words matter
like this strea
m of conscio
usness will
continue 2
reel to reel.
Carry shadows @ twilight
Pawnee Skidi/Wolf clan
sky watchers charted
plains. Spirit–force
in the sinews.
Pg. 135
Matlactli Ollin Tlacaxipehualiztli Nahui Tecpatl
© When Stars Came Down to the Earth: Cosmology of the Skidi Pawnee Indians of North America by Von Del Chamberlain. A Bellena Press/Center for Archeoastronomy Cooperative Publication: Ballena Press Anthropological Papers No. 26 Ed. Thomas C. Blackburn
Coyolxauhqui I
shards Pleiades light desert
sands cemanahuatl.
Yei Calli Tozoztontli Nahui Tecpatl
Tikal blue skies melt
into marble transparent
eyes dreams embrace you.
Matlactli ihuan ome mazatl hueytozoztli nahui tecpatl
[yei ozomatli hueytozoztli nahui tecpatl]
ther time: sun
flashes of ano-
san-sun. Tulum
ded in ether airs/Ku–
clipse: Itzamna/suspen-
Serrated eyes/memory e-
light in the iris/Lakota songs.
material roads in the skies/blue
can’t. Rainstorms in the isles/im–
So the poetic voice sheathes what you
tochtli feel words –you can’t see/shadows.
zumel. Like suns glare in the tonalpohualli -13
heart beam. Tilt axis @ 30 degrees face north Co-
feathers camouflaged into rainbows/accelerate pulse
ch shell and the pyramid/edged in the mind stream. Macaw
cenotes/whirlpools in the crystalline might. Go back to the con-
shrill. So the 1st hero twin Xbalanque @ sundown burnt skies in the
field & the hologram bright. Feel ghost in the bones/orographic winds
melanin darkens after rain. What can I do was borne with this burgundy
shapeshift nexhuitzilin –a chill in the carbon 14 frame. DNA shards skin tone/
flight/waves in Iztapa Cihuatanego. Invisible lightning how thoughts outlast time/
cortex/I cut stars collide: los abuelos cicatrizados en la venas. Spirits in hummingbirds
So one’s bleeding this light/dark winds telluric currents you cant see. Scars in the visual
This will never die:
phic ima-
ges in the
DNA. Insci-
sions in the
pyramid glyphs:
in be-
hind u.
Toxcatl n
honor Tez-
catlipoca titla-
cahuan which
slowly fill-
ing n what
you see: five
deer period of
dry things a smo-
king mirror/huauhtli
is the 52
alli sun cycle
read n
u will –
know the
carbon 14-
frame is just
a vehicle –its
what’s cutting b
hind u and palm
your hands and u
form a mirror image:
Hummingbirds/quetzalhuitzilin cast shadows
ghost civilization(s) fire –flight these thoughts.
Shattered obsidian glass pouring streams clear
cuts sheathed sight –keliods caste into stone.
The skin tone tundra in the visual cortex/showers
sight dreams weave –still got it with me:
Macuil–xochitl Toxcatl Nahui Tecpatl
Hummingbirds/quetzalhuitzilin cast shadows
ghost civilization(s) fire –flight these thoughts.
Shattered obsidian glass pouring streams clear
cuts sheathed sight –keliods caste into stone.
The skin tone tundra in the visual cortex/showers
sight dreams weave –still got it with me:
Macuil–xochitl Toxcatl Nahui Tecpatl
Uixticihuatl/mujer de las salinas –you can feel the
steel weight in these words peripheral in-cisions/I
coded in. So when it comes you got too be ready
7ma trecena ce quiahuitl that is fluidity/transpan-
rency/tenacity. Period of tecuilhuitontli our uixti
cihuatl/woman of the salt dunes –blue and white —
thunder in the night skies how calendars override/lapse in the space/time continuum. Todays
5 acatl tecuilhuitontli nahui tecpatl is the fluid
ness in how ethereal entities survive hour —
glass. Sílex cuts what you’re thinking edged
hieroglyphic stelae in the mental picture are
transcribing into ocean breeze. Energi3s in
optical cortex streaked in between dreams.
Weaved in the carbon –14 frame as pyra–
mid shift here: meld in the melanin archic earth infused. Peasants in the fields
tend the harvest –eyes color of sun/stars
truck glare in the iris. Sinaloa respira en estos triángulos –que
bradiza la memoria de obsidiana.
Shattered green volcanic rocks in
the poetic mien. Streams flowing
extemporaneously breathing bet–
wixt clandestino y desaparacido.
Rhyme form cuts to the essence
omnipresent owl feathers in the
full moons stare/breathe ice–
sickles carved into the DNA.
Song & stories thread in the-
se words as constellations
awake in Cihuapancuica–
yan ceremonies distilled:
flowers Iztauhyotl bears/
blooms semblance in
what you see in the–
title desert sands/re-
tinas dusk lights you:
so this was already
written in the skies.
Immaterial realms
engulf these even
still teal words af-
ter shockwaves
crowd these col-
lateral shards of
light iris sheen:
Quicksilver in the bloodstream
like keloids in the carbon-14
frame. Still remember the
magician say: I want to
live –you don’t know
what that means.
Feel frost in the
Only got
the ink
-tli Huey
Nahui Tecpatl
Macuil –itzcuintli
Tlaxochimaco 4 Tecpatl
Shatterred obsidian glass
in the poolside eclipse: stealth
cooper hawk flight. Then the
tonalpohualli turns orographic
winds: macuilli-ehecatl Tlaxo-
chimaco nahui tecpatl. Light-
ning in the visual cortex:
Ars Poetica
Nahui Atl Xocotl Hueztli Nahui Tecpatl
Hologram moon full
chicome tecpatl iris gleam.
Beam electricity:
El Sepulcro Blanqueado
Thunder & lightning in the mind stream:
Heyoka thunder dreamers bequeathed.
Blue flashes of electricity in the poetic
mien. Telluric currents you can’t see:
keloids in the skin –tone shade of
sundown. Fractured visual resonan
ce how thoughts break into light: –16
mystery lodge inscribed in the dna. Im
material waves in symmetrical camara
of deference shades carbon –14 frame.
Shine beams from within sinews and
breathed in what you see: visual cor
tex shifts words/symbols in depths.
Crystalline pools refract rainbows
shaded into iris glare: how songs/
stories bleed. Still hold ceremonies
clutched in memories repose tezcatli
poca/ixquimilli how poetry breathes.
Eclipses space/time continuum ever
present in minds reservoirs presence.
Lightning in the Inipi/sweatlodge cere
mony coded in Lakota lexicon/vernacu
lar streaked into the semblance –earth
infused voices/ghost dancers in seers
words retrieved from plains. We rem
–ember still Little Wolf & Yellow Knife:
Ahau Mitakuye Oyasin
Matlactli Ollin Tepeilhuitl Nahui Tecpatl
Ometeotl tlahu
isn’t mere words:
See one bleeds this
twin light of dawn/dusk
ce cozcacuauhtli xolotl
In the 16th thirteen cycle its
meld towards other dimensions.
how poets exorcise space/time to
sons breath its extemporaneous sight
what you see –showers exactitude in sea-
is two wind descend of the waters four flint is
c/s decima sexta trecena –xochipilli Tlaloc. That
of what’s next: ome ehecatl atemoztli nahui tecpatl
atop pine canopy and white frost envelopes the scope
how thoughts are shard in air crisps blue dews deposited
Nothing can be taken away .: :.diamonds cut diamonds thiz
diamonds how Nahuatl songs replenish the soil of the spirit-soul.
plethora voices hollowed from a DNA dye cast iron-ore compressed
se words. Poetics isn’t a literary art it’s what sharpens the jade souls into
Black holes shard thoughts into a pinpoint of light how visual cortex cuts the-
Ochre shadows in winters night: what is a singularity in an event horizon–sílex.
decipher how time bleeds into repose as pyramids shift accelerate to this moment.
No one is to blame: pues el poetisas es maldito –dagas de doble filo. Masterminds to
Transparent thoughts in the poolside eclipse that’s hard you see. When there’s a langu
Age –but no one to speak it too Nahuatlacah/Purepecha huchari uri picua –por nuestra
Fuerza. Carry over sight how languages bleed in yellow spider suspended animation
Adamantine steel. It’s the child in me to breathe these images into 3 dimensions iris
Glare: 17th cycle guards chicome acatl tititl nahui tecpatl it’s the period of repose.
Tlacahuexolotl it’s the fluidness transparency how these words were shard into/
Betwixt visual cortex. Ixquimilli the dark eyed scribe hollowed cenotes carving
Tezcatlipoca –read in the periphery 1519 la noche triste pyramid glyphs bleed
Within: this aint an erased camara oscura you can read behind these words
Isles. Desert sands inscribed in the DNA marred ethics shard jagged flint.
Tears encoded in a topography scarred with an unbalanced cross/double
Helix 3 stripes on the right temple tear drops of the jaguar how silence
Weighs. Heyokah thunder dreamers breathed into thebloodstream.
Eagle feathers breeze the melanin darkens blue lightning
Inipi/sweatlodge ceremony –spirits awaken the memory I
Jade/glass. Slowly time engulfs stream ofconsciousness:
2 braids in the above count read’s seven reed period
Seclusion four silex. Tarasco te está lloviendo la
Memoria and so it’s like breathing in multiple dimensions.
Suns refract rainbows kaleidoscope casts stars.
Lobo Xocoyotlzin there are transparencies
the minds I. Windstorm’s lexicon of brawn
–white lightning how words immaterial lace-
rations in time. Step back and you will see a
pyramid shift in the s[pace]/time continuum a
ccelerate –when you palm your hands.
Organic poets cut deep in the spiritessence:
desplazamiento lateral es lo que
ves. Owls refract jade screens n
pitch dark forest white/ochre
shades of ceremonies embed
ded in winters frosts. Petroglyph
origins of the carbon –14fram3s:
dreams serrated from orography
& winds fissures/I.
It’s a soliloquy that
u are reading stone
words cut under-
world corridors in
Tonina. Besides u
see invisible jaguar warrior: open
Chicuey Ocelotl Tititl Nahui Tecpatl
Got scars that you can’t see: Pleiades stream. Two hawks stealth imprints in the DNA
shard into the carbon 14 frame. Conch shell moon this was written in spoken word.
Spilled towards you and it don’t mean nothin’. Got sage medicine/red face paint
incised in the semblance. Just like dreams are infused in the melanin. Light–
ning strikes in the braids: High Eagle Skidi Pawnee we remember still stars
constellations are guiding these meditations. Chicnahui tochtli izcalli na–
hui tecpatl in the last 18th cycle measured out in Xochiquetzalli/Chal–
chuitlicue –so transposing thoughts quetzal feathers and skirted
jade streams run as space narrows. Ekphrasis flows into a:
Codex written in stone –la Piedra del Sol radica en la mente.
White parchment edged in hieroglyphic the jade soul/flux.
Everything remains carved in the spirit essence/405
elements and ethereal entities here shard–words.
There are obsidian/sílex blades reaching back
to other realms inside thoughts flare/fire &
multidimensional deities guide/guard you.
In the pulse of the heart ancestors are
Streamed in the visual cortex/ixqui
milli –the darken eyed scribe w/
blinds deciphering back what?
You see hieroglyphic stelae
Weaved in words –read in
merely breathing sifting
shores streaked betwixt
aura presence –sílex strikes thunder & dreams so precise whirlpools are building in thoughts of another time…
La casa del Silencio
An so it is poetry bleeds you
and its thus steel sharpens steel.
Shadows and dust:
Matlactli ihuan Ome Ozomatli Izcalli Nahui Tecpatl
Cutting edge moon red –ochre
sundown lightning tears skies these
thoughts shard we hide thunder. Nahui Cipactli Izcalli Nahui Tecpatl
Archipelago of Repose
0:43 ce cipaltli atlacahualo macuil calli
regents p[reside]
matlactli yei ilhuitl ce cipatli
Tonacatecuhtli y Tonacacihuatl
Iniciativa don de mando tenacidad
Xiuhtecuhtli –nexhuitzilin el colibrí gris
So time precise in perpetual beginnings in crossroads thoughts:
shadows in the curvature of space
shift–shape fluid forms.
The above cycle initiates 1st 13th cycle of the Xuihpohualli
1–caiman what is brought by the waters 5 –house.
It’s a continuum
time’s like an hourglass sifts & cuts you.
Jade stones and screens in the mental picture:
Nahui Cuetzpallin Atlacahualo Macuil Calli
Carryover dreams from sentient beings in
immaterial realms and spirits scarred into
semblance: there are tears in the immater
ial ether shattered glass stardust in retina
glare. 1st Xiuhpohualli Atlacahualo or
What is Brought by the Waters streaked &
bone marrow these letters see ancestors
guiding me –obsidian stones spark into a
plethora of lightning embers flare prayer:
Scent of cedar, sage, copal
smokes awakens might in I.
Tizpapalotl Tezcatlipoca:
Recuerdos de Ipacarai Yei Cozcacuauhtli Atlacahualo Macuil Calli
Macuil Tecpatl Atlacahualo Macuil Calli
In time you will under
stand Tarasco/Purepe-
cha scars moon light.
Can you read this?
Got to go back to the conchshell and
the pyramid in the pausivity of words.
Copal smoke shrapnel how ideas strike/streak: a remnant of the Nahuatlacah oral tradition
tonalpouque mexica.
La noche triste (i.e. August 13, 1519).
The poetry speaks for itself as it bleeds you in:
Paipai, Chiligua,
Kukapa, Cochimi,
Kumiahi, Yuma, Seri,
Chontal, Chinanteco, Pame,
Chichimeca, Otomi, Mazahua,
Matlacuinzeca, Ocuilteco, Zapoteco,
Zolteco, Chatino, Papauko, Mixteco,
Cuicateco, Triqui, Amudgo, Mazateco,
Chocho, Ixcateco, Huave, Tlapaneco,
Totonaca, Tepehua, Popoluka, Mije, Zoque,
Huasteco, Lacandon, Maya, Chol, Tzeltal, Tzotzil,
Tocolabal, Mam, Teco, Ixil, Aguacateco, Motozintleco,
Chicomulzelteco, Kalcobal, Jacalteco, Quiche, Kakchiquel,
Kekchi, Pima, Tepehuan, Tarahumara, Mayo, Yaqui, Kaita,
Opata, Cora, Huichol, Purepecha, I am crying right now you know!
Chicuey Ocelotl Tlacaxipehualiztli Macuil Calli
:.Vato Loco.:
Melanin a shade of the earth
and scars edged in the soul.
Suit up in black & gray that’s
All one has to hold –teardrop.
When there’s tears in the so-
cial fabric. Kaleidoscope in
the blood of our people. Gra-
dients of heart and jade be-
queathed. We just go to ca-
rry more –obsidian glass be-
speak of a people shard from
marble stone. Do you know
why we wild –out and get tat
ed up. It’s incised in the blood
a warrior priesthood as peren
nial as the seasons. This po-
etic stream isn’t only an exer
cise in lyricism: I’m cutting u
right now. Just like you have
to bleed to able to understand.
In the steam of the grandfather
rocks speak: languages sings/
lightning in pich dark stars sha-
tter the echoes of silence. Son-
es en un lexico de acero/colibri
grey/green hummingbird’s breath.
Tizpapalotl Tezcatlipoca that is:
what you can’t see sílex butter-
fly smoking mirrors how words
lacerate thought’s. Ink in the
blood flow and a vernacular of
another time images cut from a
dream in relief. Like songs and
stories bleed in what you see da
street wars graffiti you can’t read.
In between what you see: ameri-
co vespusio got lost and then all the tribes shard betwixt flint splinters of jade glass cuts remnants deciphered through language(s) and calendar counts extant to this precise se
cond/moment. We breathe: Matlactli ihuan yei Quiahuitl Tlacaxipehualiztli Macuil Calli i.e. 13 rain the change in persons 5 house in time meditate and you will feel a presence/
poltergeist in the spirit matrix. Bespeak a tone of brawn willed forward too 7th generation in that Elders dreamed these words brought to light. Clutch stones and mirror images in the visual cortex of pyramid shifts and rainbows shard from green canopy and marble corridors. The above essence was dreamed in the reign of Pacal and Shield Jaguar c/s.
Ce Xochitl Tozoztontli Macuil Calli
Hummingbirds fight like
thunder and lightning in the
minds I poltergeist:
Breeze adamantine
magneto/sílex thoughts bleed
–ice in the bone marrow:
Calendars incised
melanin dark ixquimil
li scribe griot I:
Stories cut from dreams hour–
glass steeped in lore jade visuals stone.
1521 tears:
You got to read more.
Spirit matrix scarred semblance.
Sundown auburn–crows.
Papyrus–dreams evoke realms
talk too ghost in hierogly–
phic stelae repose:
Silence shattered stones/
marble camara obscu
–ra shades temples lore.
Temple of the fo
–liated cross in Uxmal jade.
Snows in the braids froze.
Copan shores marble
corridors hieroglyphic
staircase eyes shut gold.
Breathe flashes of a–
nother horizon(s) black/red:
Wolf’ howl towards star–
dust frost/ice in the eye sight.
Pich dark forest light:
Mirror images
collapse iris glare:
Bonampak Temple(s).
Kneel force stars’ cons–
telations matted jaguars’
back –sky solar flares.
Two shadows visual
cortex –lightning desert sands
memories glare sight:
Matlactli ihuan ome Ozomatli Tozoztontli Macuil Calli
Shower of Flowers
The bloodletting ritual(s)
its what’s in the heart
shard –obsidian glass
scars incised in the DNA.
Outlast time –ink shatters
into light –drops of blood.
Eclipse the sun outside
lore stands: Temple of the
Foliated Cross in Uxmal.
Lady Xoc & Shield Jaguar
abstract spiritual sight.
Perforation –blood drips
into parchment. While
quetzal feather pen/stylist
keeps writing. Extract dia
–monds from the 9th ether
in Balaamcan/Palenque.
Pacal breathed repose
in these thoughts:
Long Count Date: Tzol’
–kin Date: 11
B’en Haab
Date: 11
–tlacah co–
relation its:
matlactli ihuan
yei malinalli tozoz
tonlti macuil –calli.
“I do wopila, like every day in prayers and songs.”
Dave Swallow –Lakota Medicine Men
Wopila adj. verb. Lakota: to give with nothing sought in return.
Ceremonies bleed you in what you have –too let go.
Lightning strikes embedded in the grandfather
rocks –Tunkashila. The poetic stream–breath/
dreams stealth in the carbon 14 frame light
and eagle feathers breeze the mien jade.
Thunder or lightning sparks in flames
ink solidified –three stripes on the
right temple scars. Carry calen–
dars in what you breathe ice:
matlactli ihuan ce calli huey
tozoztli macuil calli or 13
house small vigil 5-casa.
You got to stand guard
in the windstorms bre
–eze Lakota songs
bring back images
home willows/re
–eds sing mel
–odies of rain
bows & gold.
Lugar de
Oxomoco: have you ever written in the dark? It’s where thoughts spark into light.
Nahuatl adj., verb, sup., infin., etc. Read into the title as it’s the most ancient
Name given to the earth. Just as the Iztaccihuatl and Popocatepetl
bleed volcanic stones –tecpatl and/or flint sight. Thus all is
breathed into existence: lightning strikes thoughts
or shard axis mundi. Jagged edges cut into
the oral tradition stardust amidst marble
corridors in the script –proliferates the
mien breeze. Tlalnamictli
adj.v. Pensado,
recordado. R.
- 602
de la lengua NAHUATL o
MEXICANA. Amidst the dark side of time
–Immaterial. These fingerprints scarred into the DNA in the
inipi sweat lodge ceremony incised in the heart of sky and the nine lords of the underworld/night stars struck. In the jaguar’ feline’ stealth: papyrus/amate codex
assiduously meld in bloodstream and iris streaked betwixt sight panoramic
vast camara of deference collapses into retinas shine in
between dark light and simultaneity in multiple
prisms outside our space/time
continuum: its what’s
not written
in this
.:Seminole Warrior.:
……yei cuauhtli hueytozoztli macuil calli c/s
Despedida de las Ánimas
Cracks diamond holo–
gram spectrum rainbows dreams mirror
images shard glass….
Tonatiuh tecziztecatl metztli matlacyei
Miquiztli sexta trecena poetry speaks in–
You can only translate words/lacerate shard
thoughts build in con crete language. Na–
huatlacah cut words steeped in the bone
marrow/DNA cast in stone pyramid corri–
dors hidden in the jade soul earth–
quakes keloids in between skin
tone a shade of earth red sky.
Decoded through dreams emerald
steel shards of glass silex cuts.
Lobo Xocoyotlzin you breathe in–
to other times of lore when conch
shell and pyramids thunderstorms in the
Tonalpohualli its: nahui ehecatl etzacualiztli macuil
calli. In other words I am living proof of multiple dimen–
sions hidden in the genetic code as silex splinters into light other epochs into these words and pseudonyms hiddenin…
Stars Align
Bear seeds so that we
may grow strong like them: macuil
Malinalli etzacualiztli macuil calli:
Spirits talk:
Matlactli ihuan yei Xochitl Etzacualiztli Macuil Calli
In wolfs gait ambidextrous
marble/steel weight in snows
breath like stealth eyes glare.
Lightning streaked melanin
–in jagged edged peripheral
vision. Sheer might how words
outlast time. Then macuil –coatl
serpentine dexterity and so this
gets to the edge of a sword blades
of flint incised in the bloodstream.:.
Nahual: totemic spirit(s) in haiku
In the dream time immaterial realms
–hawks stealth dawns in the stars dust pre
sence. Red and black acquiescence in all creation
stories: tells of four hero twins yayauquiTezcatlipoca,
representa el tiempo infinito y lejano. Tlatlauhqui Tezcatli
poca, rojo como la lumbre, franjas rojas en su cara. Texouqui
Tezcatlipoca, Huitzilopochtli, aparece siempre con el signo del eterno
movimiento, Olin. Iztac Tezcatlipoca, Moyocoyani –el que se crea, se inventa,
se genera a sí mismo, QUETZALCOATL. It reads thus –the black smoking mirror, re
presents infinite time and distant. Red smoking mirror, red as fire embers, red
face paint streaks, Blue smoking mirror, blue hummingbird that ap
pears as the eternal sign of movement. White smoking mirror
–creator, inventor, generator of one’s self, Plummed
Serpent[ine] resurgence in the mind stream electric.
–Tizpapalotl/obsidian butterfly quintes[ ]
sence: scribe to the grindstone.
Matlactli ihuan ce Coatl Tecuilhuitontli Macuil Calli
Xochipilli Centeotl
El escribano de la sangre florida
or bleed hearth and home in the mind stream.
The flow remains constant and transparent.
Jade eyes cut deep into the immaterial:
shockwaves and metamorphasis
–the stroke of the pen. Bleeds steel
in the poetic mien so the title reads:
deity of flowers and sustenance
–la esencia creadora del Maiz y de los
sustentos en el Tonaltecuhtin 13 deidades.
Just like there are spirits in the wind
you can’t see hieroglyphic stelae are
scarred into skin. Like a blood flow of before
colonnaded marble corridors of granite you
can’t see anymore. Obsidian mirror’s in the
jade soul breathes repose these aren’t mere
words lacerate silence beyond poetic lore:
Matlactli ihuan ce tecpatl huey tecuilhuitl
macuil calli….
Heyokah Thunder Dreamers [Reel to Reel]
Blue lightning ini–
pi sweatlodge ceremony
16 mysteries:
© In a Sacred Manner I Live
Native American Wisdom
Edited by Neil Philip
- 64
Shadows in the mien
Sleet languages bleed
You got spirits in
Poetry extemporaneously breathes/sheathed in DNA
Lakota songs bespeak immaterial time blue lighting
refracts into shard thoughts of flint night outshine
a semblance of dawn a tone of earth and stars
dust two braids in the locks symmetry how air
sifts night songs inipi sweatlodge 16 willow
reeds holds stars map tlahuizcalpantecutli
swift streams of jade glass h’oka wisaca
lakota hanbleceyapi yuwipi songs light
grandfather rocks sing immemorial
there are guides in a fluidity silex
lacerations soul perception in I/
multiplicity of dimensions in
side ceremonies edged in
the skin and memories
of willows and rain
bows lore plains
heyoka thunder
dreamers rose
and blades of
grass peren
nial green &
Sitting Bull
recall win
ters of
matlactli ihuan ce ozomatli tlaxochimaco macuil calli h
Iktome Lakota spider spirit origin/
guardian –weaved the earth like a
web breezes the melanin of stone/
steel. Hologram in the visual cor–
tex or read above oxomoco mirror
images shade aura presence –ice.
Wakan Tanka [Great Spirit] imma–
terial essence in symmetrical exegesis:
Tonacayotl el lexico esconde otra
dimension. Like writing is a proph–
etic exercise in prayer(s) or these
could have been dreamed in other
dimenti9ns [Desert Sands] gleam–
snow. Notice how words connect
spirits outside prose or photograph
ic images in the mind stream(s) Pu
repecha/Otomi sheathed in the skin
tone. Breathe lowlands and plains
like we remember still pejuta waca–
sa Crazy Horse these thoughts are
extemporaneous read in between
what you can’t see [invisibleness]
9th ether. Inipi songs/stories colap–
se and glimmer into blue lightning
storms in the script. Poets are cut
from another time –Immemorial .::.
Shard glass in the mien bequeathed
poetic lore and languages inscribed
jade soul. Bring back images marble/
granite slabs shine inside these text.
An multiples prisms engulf these &/
or ceremony awakens other realms.
Like in the 9th Xiuhpohualli Tlaxochi–
maco its an offering of flowers above.
Poets scar every moment in words []
like there are concrete images enclo
–sed herein. Manuscript(s) brought
from nature in hieroglyphic code(s).
Got to keep writing to sharpen flint
acuity like these stanzas are building
transparencies in time in acetate or
planes that escape time only exists
in five–sense reality. In the Temple
of the Foliated Cross in Uxmal there
are marble corridors that at night(s)
glare turn into jade –so these words….
So this was weaved from dr eams: lightning in the braids aura presence brings spirits together waters/
seeps into other realms acqu iescence –poetry bleed (s) you in every breath you tak e or language extracts a
segment of the immaterial essence. Multiple ob–
sidian mirrors refracts mem ory eclipses everythin
- Right now one can viscer ally feel the presence/I
cut deep between shadows & blizzards in the sembla–
nce. Ceremony transposes th e soul like stars shine in
the red–shift to the origin of the observable universe. So
the mien extrapolates infinity or inextrably pinpoints to an
infinitisible were atoms meld into spiritual ether. Huehueco–
yotl represents the psychological ability to perceive intuitivel
y forces that shape what you see o r Ixnextli where elders rema–
in in physical proclivity of endurance. So the poetics is turning illus
trative in what you will see at the end of this page –concrete imagery
. The visual cortex sharpens this acum en –heart of sky/tepeyolotli tlalo
c there are forces gathering herein outsi de 5 sense reality. Lightning stri
kes in the silex glass of the cenote. Chic nahui ehecatl tlaxochimaco macui
I calli breaks into other modes of percept ion. In that the po etry sheathes li
ght from outside the space/time continu um jade gleams sh ard thoughts in
mirror images. F luidity as spiders webs shade the iris an d waves in sym
metrical shifts o ffset hummingbirds electricity in the fu ll moons simult
aneity is forming in the mind stream(s) of a time & pla ce that scapes t
he hourglass an d quicksands in how every breath i s cutting you rig
ht now. Like opt ics: scribe to the grindstone aint merely lyricist: p
oetics its what ke eps the psycho realm enclosed in the melanin b
rawn/steel omni_ presence seething. Intuition strikes/streakes
to the heart of th ese words shatter into ligh t startruck memo
ries of Uxmal or BALAMCAN y TONINA esta brillando ah
orita el lexico no se puede contenerse en las cuatro ez
quinas del papel . Meditate and yo u will see dream
s meld into realit y lives herein. Suns are cut int
o the iris glare so on keep mi ght clutched in e
very letter written . So it is there are polterg
eist hidden within what 1 is thinking? Got
to keep striking li ght ning from the eth
er like desert san ds are shifting he
re in what you ca n’t see that’s writ
ten. Palm your h ands and read th
is stands outside religion one could
only bleed this in the hearth of inipi/
sweatlodge ceremony & 16 mysteries arise of a t
eaching engrained in th e earth and starsdust in
the DNA cyclones in the memories glare infinity.
Vast camara of deferenc e its what you cant see.
See the’re ghost in the mien –check the title. [] []
Sinaloa esta sangrando en lo que no vez [] [] [].
Can change the lexicon at a moments breath:
in xochitl in cuicatl in tlactipac nican axcan.
Flor y canto en las planicies litorales del
horizonte de los cielos el aquí y ahora.
That is flower and song in the latitudes
of the skies meld with coastal plains.
Poetry only exists here in now and
melt with every word ever written.
Notice how thoughts shatter
into memories repose see
atoms scatter into less
and less. Then read
behind how letters
carve and edge
pinpoint DNA
is a refract
]matlactli ihuan yei mazatl Tlaxochimaco macuil calli[
So the prophetics keeps going: desert sands swarm in this the
poetry is beyond lore like warp s in the space/time continuum.
There are cocentric circles that shade into ghost in spiritual
matrix. Read into another mat hematics: ome itzcuintli tlaxo
chimaco macuil calli melds in xo cotl huetzi or 2 rabbit falling of the fruits 5 house iniciates the 10 th xiuhpohualli in the tonalpohu
hualli 9th xiuhmolpilli 52 year tyin g of cycles. Since the collaps
e of 1521 la noche triste. Pale f ace & the sword and/or when dreams turn into contributors of a teaching: poetry keeps alive the essence in laser vision. Ixq uimlli the dark eyed scribe with blinds that sees beyond. Then in 3114 b.c. began the Maya Long Count still extant to this p recise second(s). Freeze in careful study you will evade the zeitgeist or like moons awake n a sensibility or you don’t know suns cut the iris. Glare in sha
Mans mien. Now yei atl is the ne xt sequence/3 water Nahuatl evinces another type of time lap se photographic imagery: this
gets to the elemental essence .: . There are films in psychic
resonance in the Cuahpohualli it’s a code not just of the migr
ation of the people’s of Aztlan/ white swan –this it gets to the heart of the people of the Sun. When you close you eyes what do you see? Xochipetlati pan tocon ya icuilohua, in mocuic in motlatol…A icuiliuh moyollo, tlapapal xochitica tocon ya icuiloua, in mocuic, in motlatol…En petate florido dejas tu pintura, tu canto, tu pal abra…Se va pintando tu cora
zon, con flores de colores dejas tu pintura, tu canto, tu palabr
a…In a flowered mat you leave your painting, your song, you
r word…You’re heart is being p ainted, with colorful flowers you leave your painting, your so ng, your word. It took a gap of half –a millenuim to say this: images of stone everpresent in the soul papalotl/butterfly skies reign in what’s not heard… Spoken word edged from a time/ place engrained in the visual
–cortex Xochimilca ca. 1519 open the scrolls. Tezcatlipoca is a
nother word for memory i.e. smo king mirrors its what you can see in front of an obsidian/silex g lass thoughts refract in the poolside eclipse of the crystalline waters of the cenote Xcaret.
There is an immaterial topograph y that can never be errased: poetry is a mechanism that allows us to break into other dimensi
ons simulteniety of multiple prisms. The rhyme scheme is embed
ded just as these sentences are multiplication too build images with words. So language
(s) tear in the dark side of time. Today(s) long count date stands as Tzolk
‘in date 10 ik Haab date: 0 Ch’en Lord of the Night G3. Etymology cuts with hieroplyphi
© precision as today’s guardian is derived from K’iche/Yucatec Maya word that means: “wind”, “air”, “spirit” and heart of sky/tepeyolotli Tlaloc. Rains on the petroglyph the car–
bon 14 frame it’s like calendars cut deep into the DNA. Obsidian eyes shard into a pinpoint of lightning into word(s) from other realms that eclipse the suns rays 3114 light years away periods or pauses can’t hold the wait but how were these able to reach you.
Tlatoani Cuauhtemoc–
zin suns decend eagles…
Nahui Ozomatli Xocotl Huetzi Macuil Calli
Hummingbird’s stealth like dreams cuts
both ways. When you make braids there
are teachings herein: it holds immemoria
l time & symmetry in the inipi/sweatlodge
ceremony. You see I’m doing this for me,
for me too extricate the 9th ether [chicoa
ce acatl xocotl huetzi macuil calli] see ice.
Winds/fissures or what goes beyond num
bers and semantics. How one lives the fu
ture in the present moment: in the Hagaku
re it states: there is surely nothing other
than the single purpose of the
present moment. A man’s who–
le life is a succession of moment
after moment. There will be no–
thing else to do, and nothing else
to pursue. Live being true to the
single purpose of the present moment.
So all that’s above written
–mist in the jade eye’s glare
omnipresent and then all
this was already extempo
raneously breathed by a N
ahuatlacah shaman and
a memory of a Samurai.
Campesino Sinaloense
The bleeding of the hearth
and/or there’s sundown in the mien.
There are hieroglyphic codes
hidden in the iris glare –black stones.
Reflection a semblance sown
from the earth and 405 elements
& spirits in the DNA sharpen flint.
In the glint of the visual cortex
caught between scarfs too shield
a completion in a melanin: edged from
stardust and volcanic rocks sheathed.
Only got the present moment to
hemmorrage thoughts into parchment.
Solidifying lore from Lowlands
repose to Pleiades shard from
milky way corridors and Andromeda galaxy.
Super novea clusters lights
retinas irridescent and jade souls..
Sinlaon Peasent
El sangrar del aposento
y/o la caida del sol en el tez.
Hay codigos jeroglificos
escondidos en el resplandeciente iris –piedras negras.
Reflejo en un semblante sembrado
de la tierra y los 405 elementos
& espiritus en el ADN filozo silex.
En el brillo del cortex visual
capturado entre gabardinas que cubren
al semblante en una melanina: cortada de
polvo de estrellas y piedras volcanicas escurridizas.
Solo tengo el presente momento para
la hemorragia del pensar en pergaminos.
Solidificacion del folklor el Bajio
reposa hacia las Pleyades quebradizas de
los corredores de la via lactea y galaxia Andromeda.
Super novas se acumulan luceros
de la retinas resplandecientes y almas de jade..
Wolf’s howl in the tundra floors
in stone corridors rainbows are
shattered by macaws and deer
(s) stealthly camouflage in bet–
ween streams and jade canopy.
Songs and stories are breathing
in these words. Have you ever
measured the sundown or felt
ice in the bones. In the hanble–
ceyapi you face the sun for fo
ur days and then snows in the
mien. Ceremony bleeds mem–
ory –streakes into lore of jade
skies and staircases–hieroglyp
hic. Mist in the cliffs and liken
in the Temples. But you don’t
know ghost talk too: mano ne–
gra el escribano del pensamie
nto florido. Here lies where m
yth melts into reality: in the un–
derground corridors of Tonina,
there’s a statue of a Jaguar w
arrior that awakens. It’s only t
hat you can’t see –you have t
o bleed this. In the Mayab’ Ch
ol Q’ij measures time and the
Ajq’ijab are “keepers of days”.
One works with what one has:
an obsidian mirror that refract
s with jade souls. It’s the pen t
hat inscribes and/or it’s the wis–
dom/zeal that carries you. Then
in this the roots are immaterial
or its thus when lightning strik–
- Whirlpools in the desert sa–
nds as there are codes hidden
in the carbon–14–frame. In a f
ew more phrases you will know
the state of your present predic–
ament: when came the unbalan–
ced cross and the black robes [ice].
Stardust in the mien
I gleam.
Chicnahui Cozcacuauhtli Xocotl Huetzi Macuil Calli
Matlactli ihuan yei Xochitl Xocotl Huetzi Macuil Calli
This calendar count(s) fulfills
a cycle just as these words
extricate the future in holo
gram: writing this before
the exact date has rea–
ched you. Xochitl repre
sents finality and the e
ssence of poetry itself
. There are pyramids
shifting here like in
three more pages u
will see the prese
nce in multiplicity
of dimensions/I
corridors mar
ble and gran
ite in the mi
nds aura
See lig
Ice/sleet shatters visual resonance
poets see beyond 5 levels of sup
erfluidity. Jagged flint knifes ar
e building in the ether of the
mind stream. Spoken word
extricates blue flashes of
insight of another time.
Electricity cuts into a
heyoka thunder dre–
amers presence:
volcanic rocks
& incised im–
ages sheath
ed from 9th
ether fro
zen tun–
dra/I Matlactli ihuan ome Quiahuitl Xocotl Huetzi Macuil Calli
Lightning streaked in the mien: thunderstorms you can’t see.
Levatation in the underground wellsprings and shores crash
into marble passages were lore standstill skies freeze frame
(s) see jade. Waves symmetrical Tulum awakens shades of
granite observatories and temples breathe winds fissures in
ice. Green canopy melds
into horizons that melt w/
oceans blue/azure trans–
parencies: a vast camara
of deference. Ku san sun
speaks of ethereal embe
dded entities abound sky
–shapeshift immaterial spirits that tear into
the fabric of shores that breeze these word
–prayers. There compressed diamonds in
how letters are extricated from a Nahuatlac
ah tonalpouhque. Just breathe these word
–static energy shifts with electricity to bend
the space/time continnum to this precise m
omentum. Mathematics/iI
licits the agent of memo–
ries to carry words into u
comprehend too. Poetisa
en la portada inicio esto y
que se esta desplazando–
iris extrae espiritus multipl
es dimensiones. Lightning/thunderstorms cutting in every mo–
ment here collapsed. In three more stanzas you will see the p
ast in photographic memory: Pacal & Shield Jaguar dreamed
these words cast into the ether. Shard thoughts are cutting in
to your space/time continnum shapeshifts in what’s hidden in:
All one has is this –steel thoughts
and suns glare. Poets bleed in what
you can’t see. Ink stealthly breathes
or you inexorably got to sheath: words
of a Heyokah thunder dreamer. Feel
spirits in the skin/melanin and streaked
into the sinews. In the bone marrow
shockwaves and metamorphasis or
hail in the iris sheen. Tarasco vez
espiritus en la retina. Hubnaku & X–
balaque. It’s like you have to know
how to die to learn how to live –too
the previous. In this one can learn a lot
from darkness: you’ll know how to
morph your thoughts of this by means
of your creativity. There are imprints
that are immaterial –poetry’ a scaffold
that carries you through sleet and rain.
Peripheral vision how silence weighs:
All we got is the present moment
steep and borne in pyramid
corridors and conchshell.
Effervescent images
in bet–
Poet’s live the past
in the present moment –glass.
Falling of the fruits:
Ome Ehecatl Xocotl Huetzi Macuil Calli
Maya Long Count Date:
Tzolk’in:10 Men Haab:12 Ch’en G7
Mayab’ Chol Q’ij Ajq’ijab